Talk to anyone who has experienced losses in the markets and you will likely hear them blame all kinds of factors. They rarely blame themselves.
Equities have high risks and the Thai stock market has been very volatile this year because of rising interest rates, political and economic factors, and rapid movements in and out of the market by large foreign funds. Commodity prices are up and down in a wider range because of the debt crisis in Europe, uncertainty about the US recovery and concerns about whether China's huge economy will cool down.
Still, many more people this year are looking for other places to put their money besides banks, because 100% state protection of bank deposits is about to end.
The Deposit Protection Agency will fully protect savings deposits until Aug 10 this year, and then coverage will be limited to 50 million baht per customer per bank. That will affect only the super-rich and may not seem like a big deal, but one year later, on Aug 11, 2012, protection will fall to 1 million baht per customer per bank.
Market participants expect that as deposit coverage drops sharply, many more people will start shifting money into fixed income, mutual funds, stocks, futures, gold and property.
But investments promising higher returns than bank savings also come with higher risk. As for protection, it can be zero in some cases.